It’s not too Late for Sealcoating in Twin Cities, MN!

The summer months are quickly falling behind us in the Twin Cities MN, area. Although we may not be ready to leave behind our swimming suits, ice cream cones, and sunscreen, there are certain seasonal activities that should remain in the warmer months.


One of these activities is asphalt sealcoating. As the days get cooler, and Minnesota moves closer to wintertime, the window for sealcoating shrinks significantly. Here are just a few reasons to invest in sealcoating now, before the big chill arrives!


Temperature: Sealcoat is less effective if applied during extremely low temperatures. The challenge is getting the sealcoat to set once the outdoor temperatures slip below 40 degrees. September is the perfect lull between summer and fall to invest in sealcoating, as temperatures are generally warmer and more predictable than later in the season!


Expectations: When it comes to using asphalt sealcoat later in the season, make sure to set realistic expectations. As a customer, scheduling a late season sealcoat may result in weather-related schedule changes or adaptations. Although a professional sealcoating company will work with you and guide you through the process, setting up a September or early fall sealcoat will save you the trouble and allow for a faster, more effective job!


Value: Sealcoating before winter arrives is extremely important, as a protective layer will help guard your asphalt from cracking or chipping throughout freezing months. This will save you a significant amount of money in future repairs. Prioritize sealcoating this September, and make sure to schedule an appointment today!


Ready to invest in an early fall sealcoat in the Twin Cities area? Don’t waste time or allow the chill to arrive before scheduling an appointment. Take advantage of the weather this September and give the professionals at Gopher State Sealcoat a call today.