Crack Repair for Commercial Asphalt Sidewalks in the Twin Cities, MN

Having a level, smooth, safe, and accessible asphalt sidewalk can have a major impact on how much foot traffic you get at your business year-round in the Twin Cities, MN. In the fall and winter, leaves and snow can obscure faults and bumps, which can in turn lead to trips and spills. In the spring and summer, cracks can widen in the heat until they’re wide enough to catch the tips of sandals and sneakers. Rather than allowing your asphalt sidewalks to deter potential walk-ins, Gopher State Sealcoat can provide crack repair services that make your business welcoming and safe to approach once more.

Crack Repair from Extreme Weather

With our highly variable climate, asphalt tends to take a beating from year to year. This is especially true for roads that bear the weight of cars and trucks, but it also holds true for asphalt sidewalks. Deep potholes in sidewalks are less common but entirely possible if no treatment is provided once a crack begins to form. If you don’t want your business to be associated with twisted ankles, addressing these cracks earlier rather than later is the safest way to approach sidewalk repairs.

We Handle Repair Quickly and Efficiently

At Gopher State Sealcoat, our professional crack repair services are comprehensive. Our thorough crack repair team will visit your site to evaluate what type of routing and sealing will be necessary. All routing is done as quickly and efficiently as possible to prevent interruptions in business, and following the crack repair process, we will clear away any and all debris surrounding our work area. Our team understands that life as a Twin Cities area business can be fast-paced, so we work hard to accommodate your busy schedule.

An asphalt sidewalk that has received our routing and crack repair treatment will be more resistant to water, less likely to crack again this season, and safer for your customers, visitors, and staff.

Twin Cities, MN area business owners with cracked asphalt pavement and sidewalks on their property can contact Gopher State Sealcoat today at (952) 931-9188 to find out more about our crack repair services. If you have asphalt repair or sealcoating projects in mind for 2024, we will gladly visit your location and provide a free estimate. When it comes to making your asphalt sidewalks smooth and safe for customers of all types, our professional and thorough crack repair services can make that goal a reality.

Asphalt Damage can Come from Many Causes in the Twin Cities, MN

Construction season in the Twin Cities, MN will be in full swing as soon as the melt begins, but it can be frustrating as a business owner to see the ice melt away and find devastation in its wake. Asphalt damage is, in some ways, an unavoidable part of winter life in Minnesota, but with Gopher State Sealcoat on your side, you can survive the common pitfalls of asphalt care in our brutally diverse climate.

Asphalt damage is a natural product of the freeze-thaw cycle.

No matter how innovative you are with your parking lot construction and how dedicated you may be to ensuring that your property is de-iced, our climate is one that goes through a lot of cycles. The freeze and thaw cycle in particular is a major contributor to asphalt damage in the Twin Cities. Unless your property has fully integrated heated lots, you will probably find yourself in need of seasonal sealcoating whenever we go through a particularly brutal winter. Even though we can’t change the weather, you can still take precautions when trying to prevent asphalt damage on your property.

Heavy vehicles can increase damage to asphalt during the colder months.

Preventing asphalt damage sometimes means making tough calls, and asking large vehicles to steer clear of your lot may be one of them. Repeated visits from heavy trucks and machinery can do a number on even the sturdiest asphalt. If you want your sealcoating to stay strong through the winter, consider creating a load limit for your lot or switching from large plows to smaller, more lightweight equipment. You don’t necessarily have to shovel by hand, but cutting down on repeat exposures can help.

Salt, salt, salt!

Of course, our greatest protector can also be one of our greatest foes! Despite the fact that salt is what helps us get around in the winter, once it hits the pavement, it can cause other problems. When salt melts ice, the water has to go somewhere, and that somewhere is usually into small cracks in the pavement. During the freeze-thaw cycle, water that seeps into cracks will refreeze, contributing to expanding cracks and faults in the asphalt. If you’re committed to keeping your asphalt walkways and lots completely ice-free with salt, you may find yourself with asphalt damage come spring.

If you’d like to keep your business lots pristine year-round and are hesitant to forgo salt and heavy cars, Gopher State Sealcoat can help. Our sealcoating solutions take the unique road conditions of the Twin Cities into account throughout our asphalt damage repair process. Our goal is to bolster, protect, and prevent cracks and faults from occurring as best as possible. Our sealcoating experts can help you keep your lots intact, even when the world seems to be working against you.

Twin Cities, MN area business owners can contact Gopher State Sealcoat today at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website for additional information. If you’re noticing winter asphalt damage and would like to plan ahead for after the big melt, we‘ll be happy to provide a free estimate for the project.

Planning for Commercial Asphalt Repairs After the Big Melt in the Twin Cities, MN

In regions like ours, where winter brings frigid temperatures and heavy snowfall, the arrival of spring signals a significant thaw. Before the ice and snow begin to melt, however, commercial property owners and managers should already have a plan in place for necessary asphalt repairs. Gopher State Sealcoat can help you plan ahead with repairs to your Twin Cities, MN business’s asphalt surfaces as soon as the melt begins.

Asphalt Repairs

The temperature fluctuations associated with the transition from winter to spring can have a devastating impact on asphalt surfaces, necessitating timely attention. Without forethought, clients, customers, and employees can be left to navigate across dangerous, deteriorating driveways and parking lots, which only get worse with time.

Thawing and Freezing

The repeated freezing and thawing of water within the cracks and crevices of the asphalt can cause small openings to expand. This freeze-thaw cycle leads to the formation of cracks and surface deterioration. As the ice melts, water seeps into these openings, and when it freezes again, it exerts pressure on the surrounding asphalt, causing bigger and bigger damage over time. It’s possible to go into winter with your lots and asphalt intact only to emerge from winter finding hole after hole.


Obvious potholes aside, temperature fluctuations can also affect the structural integrity of commercial asphalt. Prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can lead to brittleness and make the surface more susceptible to cracking. Conversely, the warming temperatures of spring can cause the asphalt to expand, further stressing existing cracks and weaknesses. Even if you don’t have visible damage to your asphalt, faults might be resting just out of sight.

Timely Asphalt Repairs

Timely repairs can prevent minor issues from escalating into more extensive and costly problems, which is where planning ahead comes through. Asphalt repair is best done early in the damage process, and if you haven’t budgeted for your commercial asphalt, you might find yourself scrambling to stay ahead of ever-growing problems.

Gopher State Sealcoat recommends that all Twin Cities, MN business owners with commercial asphalt incorporate repairs into their annual budgets. This gives you the wiggle room you may need when asphalt repair season rolls around. If you’d like a commercial asphalt consultation or have questions about our asphalt repair services, contact us at (952) 931-9188, visit our website, or request a free estimate today!

Asphalt Crack Routing in the Twin Cities, MN

Asphalt is a widely popular paving material in most metro areas due to its durability and cost-effectiveness. However, like any material that sees a lot of commercial use, it can develop cracks and faults. A major contributing factor to this inevitability is extreme temperature fluctuations. In the scorching summers of the Twin Cities, MN, heat-damaged asphalt is a common issue that can pose significant problems for businesses and commercial roads alike. But when cracks begin to develop, our asphalt crack routing experts at Gopher State Sealcoat are here to lend a hand.

Causes of Asphalt Crack

The extreme temperatures experienced in the Twin Cities can cause asphalt to expand and contract, leading to cracks and fissures. This process is worsened by the freeze-thaw cycle, where moisture seeps into the cracks, freezes, and expands, further damaging the pavement. Additionally, heavy traffic loads and age-related deterioration contribute to the formation of cracks.

To combat the detrimental effects of heat-damaged asphalt, asphalt crack routing is a fast and effective solution. Unlike traditional crack repair methods that merely fill the cracks, crack routing involves cutting a precise, narrow groove along the crack’s length. Typically, this groove is ¼ – 1” wide by ¾ – 1” deep. This technique creates a clean, uniform reservoir that allows for proper filling and sealing.

Benefits of Asphalt Crack Routing

Routing the cracks removes debris and vegetation, providing a clean surface for the sealant to adhere to. The reservoir created by the routing process ensures a proper bond between the sealant and the asphalt, preventing water infiltration and further deterioration. It also allows the sealant to expand and contract with temperature changes, reducing the likelihood of cracks reappearing.

Asphalt Crack Routing Services

For businesses in the Twin Cities, asphalt crack routing offers numerous advantages. It enhances the aesthetics of the pavement and improves the overall appearance of the property. Cracked and damaged asphalt can create a negative impression on customers and visitors, while well-maintained surfaces convey professionalism and care.

Moreover, expert crack repair prolongs the lifespan of the pavement, saving businesses money in the long run. By addressing cracks early on, before they develop into larger potholes or extensive pavement failures, businesses can avoid costly repairs or complete resurfacing projects.


And as a bonus, regular maintenance through crack routing demonstrates a commitment to safety. Cracks in the pavement can be a hazard, especially for pedestrians and vehicles. By promptly addressing these issues, businesses in the Twin Cities can create a safer environment for their customers, reducing the risk of accidents and potential legal liabilities.

If you’re looking for crack repair and asphalt crack routing services in the Twin Cities, MN, Gopher State Sealcoat is waiting for your call. Contact us at (952) 931-9188 today to speak with our team and make a plan for your business. You can also request a free estimate here or visit our website here for more information.

How Routing and Crack Repair Can Extend the Life of Your Twin Cities, MN Parking Lot

Pavement maintenance is the unsung hero of any bustling metro, and the Twin Cities, MN area is no exception. Routing and crack repair are crucial services that maintain the safety and integrity of your parking lots, business driveways, and sidewalks. Proper maintenance of these areas can help prevent accidents and liability issues, ensuring a safe environment for employees and customers, and Gopher State Sealcoat always puts safety first.

What is routing?

Routing involves cutting a groove along the length of a crack to create a uniform shape to fill with sealant. This process helps ensure that the sealant bonds properly with the asphalt surface, creating a watertight seal that prevents further damage to the pavement. Routing is an effective method for repairing cracks in parking lots and driveways, as it provides a long-lasting and durable repair. It’s also great for spot repairs or touch-ups on otherwise intact surfaces.

By nipping cracks in the bud, businesses can prevent the formation of potholes and other pavement damage that can be costly to repair and quick to spread in high-traffic areas. Crack repair puts a stop to water intrusion and erosion, which is essential in states like Minnesota that experience just about every type of weather condition.

Routing and crack sealing can promote positive customer impressions.

For businesses, the importance of routing and crack repair extends beyond simply maintaining the safety and integrity of their parking lots and commercial driveways. It’s possible to promote positive customer impressions by improving the overall appearance of your properties. By investing in regular maintenance and repairs, you can extend the lifespan of pavement and avoid costly repairs or replacements in the future, thereby saving money for other maintenance items down the road.

Twin Cities, MN area business owners can reach out to Gopher State Sealcoat today to make their appointments. Our teams are standing by to repair, revitalize, and even revive your pavement. Contact us at (952) 931-9188 to make an appointment, or visit our website here now to request a free estimate.

How Does Professional Asphalt Crack Sealing Work in the Twin Cities, MN?

Asphalt crack sealing is a crucial step in maintaining the longevity and integrity of asphalt surfaces in the Twin Cities, MN area. The process involves filling and sealing cracks in the asphalt to prevent water and other debris from penetrating the surface, which can cause further damage and deterioration. On the surface, the process seems simple, but applying asphalt sealant requires expertise and precision, which our team at Gopher State Sealcoat employs with pride.

Asphalt Crack Sealing Process.

This typically involves using a high-pressure air blower to remove debris, such as dirt and leaves, that may have accumulated in the crack. The cracks are then cleaned with a wire brush to remove any loose debris or dirt and create a clean surface for the sealant to be applied.

Asphalt Crack Sealing with Rubber Sealants

We use Mn/DOT Spec 3723 rubber sealants because of their qualities and ability to withstand our Minnesota weather. This material is applied to the crack using a specialized applicator, ensuring that it completely fills the crack and creates a smooth surface. Improperly applied sealant can lead to bumpy roads or stability problems, which are all preventable with the proper care and attention.

Curing Times Dependent on Type of Sealant

The curing time will depend on the type of sealant used and the temperature and humidity conditions. Our team will work with you to ensure that the conditions are suitable for your asphalt sealing appointment. During the drying process, the sealant will harden and form a durable barrier that prevents water and other debris from penetrating the surface.

Long-lasting Solution for Cracks

The sealant will provide a long-lasting solution for cracks and prevent further damage to the asphalt surface. Asphalt crack sealing is preventative maintenance that is especially necessary in states like Minnesota that go through major temperature fluctuations throughout the year. Our asphalt surfaces take a beating, but asphalt sealants can help.

Asphalt crack sealing is an essential step in maintaining the longevity and integrity of any and all asphalt surfaces in the Twin Cities, MN. By filling and sealing cracks, you can prevent water and other debris from penetrating the surface and causing further damage and deterioration. This helps to ensure that the roads and parking lots remain safe and functional for pedestrians and customers alike.

If you’re looking to schedule asphalt crack sealing for your Twin Cities, MN commercial asphalt surfaces, contact Gopher State Sealcoat today at (952) 931-9188 or request a free estimate. You can also visit our website here for more information.

Asphalt Maintenance and Crack Sealing for Twin Cities, MN Commercial Businesses

 Asphalt lives a treacherous life in the Twin Cities, MN area, and without the right upkeep, it can also experience a treacherously short life. With dramatic shifts in temperature, salt applications, and heavy usage year-round, the asphalt on your property can go from beautiful to badly battered in a matter of months. With expert crack sealing, however, you can extend your asphalt’s lifespan and keep it looking its best. Gopher State Sealcoat provides comprehensive commercial asphalt maintenance for property managers and business owners throughout the greater Metro area. With our proven asphalt maintenance services, we can help extend the life of your asphalt pavement to keep it safe and protected year-round.

Asphalt crack sealing has many benefits.

Proper crack sealing can have a major impact on an asphalt surface. Beyond simple aesthetics, crack sealing can prevent moisture and erosion and boost the overall structural integrity of the asphalt. Leaving cracks untreated or neglecting asphalt maintenance in general is a surefire way to end up with large, dangerous divots and, in extreme cases, potholes. And these kinds of structural failures mean risk. Other than being a tripping hazard or a potential doozy for car tires, cracks can lead to costly repairs and replacements down the line. Crack sealing is a great method to keep your asphalt maintenance up to date without breaking the bank due to unexpected costs and preventable safety hazards.

Crack sealing goes far beyond just protecting your asphalt.

Even if it seems unlikely, it is possible for asphalt cracks to pose a physical threat to anyone on your property. Also, tripping hazards like potholes and broken pavement can be a major deterrent for potential clients and will never leave a great first impression. Our professional asphalt maintenance services can prevent that problem. We can help you achieve the professional look and safer environment your customer’s desire.

Asphalt Maintenance

Regardless of your individual asphalt needs, Gopher State Sealcoat’s asphalt crack sealing teams can help you achieve them. While the asphalt maintenance season has come to a close in the Twin Cities, MN area, we invite business owners and property managers to give us a call and set up a time for a free estimate for next year’s asphalt crack sealing. Contact us today at (952) 931-9188 or visit here for more information.

Asphalt Maintenance for Your Business Parking Lot

Maintaining the asphalt in your parking lot can feel like a never-ending task, thanks to our Minnesota weather. The broiling hot sun of summer can weaken the bonds of the oils and components within asphalt, cause it to fade, and even make it soft. With winter comes the rollercoaster effect of the freeze/thaw cycle. If there are cracks in an asphalt surface, water will seep in. When water freezes, it exerts a force against the asphalt, creating cracks and crumbling. With the constant pressure and weight of vehicles, potholes can develop, making it difficult to drive or walk through a parking lot safely. Where can you turn in Minneapolis, MN for the proper asphalt maintenance your asphalt surfaces require?

What does asphalt maintenance entail?

Asphalt maintenance requires a specific set of tools, techniques, and knowledge. It is essential to know when asphalt needs to be repaired versus when it needs to be replaced. These are questions that can’t be answered by just anyone. Using a professional asphalt company can ensure that your parking lot is maintained correctly.

The Asphalt Institute has standards and guidelines that help those in the asphalt repair industry keep your parking lot in tip-top shape. These standards inform the company about how thick the asphalt should be and how often it should be inspected. Knowing that the company you choose follows the standards set by the Asphalt Institute gives you confidence in the company.

Finding the right company is crucial.

Businesses in the Minneapolis, MN area need to find the right company to help them properly maintain their parking lots. For professional asphalt maintenance in Minneapolis, MN, turn to Gopher State Sealcoat. Our technicians utilize the standards and procedures necessary to keep your parking lot well maintained and looking its very best. These procedures can also help to extend the life of your asphalt parking lot and ensure the safety of your customers and employees.

Gopher State Sealcoat has the products, equipment, and expertise to maintain the asphalt parking lot of your Minneapolis, MN business, regardless of its state. When you utilize our services, you can count on your asphalt surfaces looking their very best from year-to-year. You can also rest easy knowing your customers and employees have a safe parking lot to drive and walk on.

If you feel the asphalt parking lot at your Minneapolis, MN business is in need of asphalt maintenance, contact Gopher State Sealcoat today at (952) 931-9188 to set up an appointment for a free estimate.

Asphalt Repair for Your Parking Lot

Minnesota weather has taken its toll on your Minneapolis, MN parking lot. The asphalt is cracking and crumbling, and if left unrepaired, shoveling and snow removal will only make the problem worse. With the chilly November winds beginning to blow, you need to contact Gopher State Sealcoat for professional asphalt repair in Minneapolis, MN.

Asphalt repair isn’t easy.

It sounds like asphalt repair should be easy. You find some type of sealant and put it in the crack. This would seal the crack, repair the asphalt, and keep it from cracking again, right? Well, not really. Do you know what that sealant really is? Do you know how to properly apply it so it doesn’t cause more problems than it solves? Probably not. Repair is a precise process that needs to be properly followed to ensure your parking lot is successfully and safely protected.

The Asphalt Institute has all the answers and resources needed to get the job done right and why it’s important to seal cracks. They can help to determine the right process and tools to make sure the process is done correctly. Using the resources ensures that everything is done right.

Professionals are necessary for repairs

In Minneapolis, MN, where can you turn for repair? Knowing that the repair process needs to be performed correctly, hiring a professional is the best choice. Gopher State Sealcoat has all the essential expertise and equipment needed to help the Minneapolis, MN area with all their asphalt repair needs. Our technicians have undergone hours of training to know exactly which tools, techniques, and materials are required for every type of asphalt repair.

From sealing cracks to patching and filling holes, we’ll make sure the asphalt repair is done correctly so your parking lot is smooth and protected from additional damage. Your parking lot will look amazing, and you won’t have to worry about gapping, crumbling cracks, vehicles bouncing in and out of potholes, or your customers, clients, and employees trying to walk safely over uneven surfaces. For the best in asphalt repair in Minneapolis, MN, give Gopher State Sealcoat a call today at (952) 931-9188. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Routing and Crack Repair in the Twin Cities

When it comes to routing and crack repair in the Twin Cities, look no farther than the team at Gopher State Sealcoat for help. We have years of experience providing excellent service around our community, and we’re here to support you throughout the process of updating your asphalt surfaces.

Here are a few common questions we receive about the process of routing and crack repair, especially as we move into the summer months:

What is the reason to invest in routing and crack repair?

Asphalt is a huge investment, so you should make sure that yours is protected all year-round, both for yourself and the safety of anyone else using the surface. Whether the usage is foot or car traffic, you need to move quickly when cracks appear so that they don’t have time to expand!

When is the best time to rout and repair cracks?

Typically, routing comes before crack repair, but that’s dependent on the type and size of the cracks. In addition to following specific steps, it’s also important to consider the timeline. In the state of Minnesota, summer or early fall are typically good seasons for crack repair because the outdoor weather is more consistent than spring—especially considering this year!

Who should you trust with routing and crack repair?

Work with a company that will support you throughout the entire process! After doing your own research and calling around to get all of your questions answered, your answer should be crystal clear. The team at Gopher State Sealcoat is here to support you, and we look forward to working with you!

If you are ready to invest in asphalt repair in the Twin Cities, our team is here to help. Give us a call today to get started, and make sure your asphalt is ready for all of the seasons ahead!

Questions about Routing and Crack Repair in the Twin Cities

When it comes to asphalt repair in the Twin Cities, look no farther than the team at Gopher State Sealcoat for help. We have years of experience providing excellent service around our community, and we’re here to support you throughout the process of updating your asphalt surfaces.

Here are a few common questions we receive about the process of asphalt repair, especially as we move into the summer months:

What is the reason to invest in routing and crack repair?

Asphalt is a huge investment, so you should make sure that yours is protected all year-round, both for yourself and the safety of anyone else using the surface. Whether the usage is foot or car traffic, you need to move quickly when cracks appear so that they don’t have time to expand!

When is the best time to rout and repair cracks?

Typically, routing comes before crack repair, but that’s dependent on the type and size of the cracks. In addition to following specific steps, it’s also important to consider the timeline. In the state of Minnesota, summer or early fall are typically good seasons for crack repair because the outdoor weather is more consistent than spring—especially considering this year!

Who should you trust with routing and crack repair?

Work with a company that will support you throughout the entire process! After doing your own research and calling around to get all of your questions answered, your answer should be crystal clear. The team at Gopher State Sealcoat is here to support you, and we look forward to working with you!

If you are ready to invest in routing and crack repair in the Twin Cities, our team is here to help. Give us a call today to get started, and make sure your asphalt is ready for all of the seasons ahead!