Asphalt Crack Routing in the Twin Cities, MN

Asphalt is a widely popular paving material in most metro areas due to its durability and cost-effectiveness. However, like any material that sees a lot of commercial use, it can develop cracks and faults. A major contributing factor to this inevitability is extreme temperature fluctuations. In the scorching summers of the Twin Cities, MN, heat-damaged asphalt is a common issue that can pose significant problems for businesses and commercial roads alike. But when cracks begin to develop, our asphalt crack routing experts at Gopher State Sealcoat are here to lend a hand.

Causes of Asphalt Crack

The extreme temperatures experienced in the Twin Cities can cause asphalt to expand and contract, leading to cracks and fissures. This process is worsened by the freeze-thaw cycle, where moisture seeps into the cracks, freezes, and expands, further damaging the pavement. Additionally, heavy traffic loads and age-related deterioration contribute to the formation of cracks.

To combat the detrimental effects of heat-damaged asphalt, asphalt crack routing is a fast and effective solution. Unlike traditional crack repair methods that merely fill the cracks, crack routing involves cutting a precise, narrow groove along the crack’s length. Typically, this groove is ¼ – 1” wide by ¾ – 1” deep. This technique creates a clean, uniform reservoir that allows for proper filling and sealing.

Benefits of Asphalt Crack Routing

Routing the cracks removes debris and vegetation, providing a clean surface for the sealant to adhere to. The reservoir created by the routing process ensures a proper bond between the sealant and the asphalt, preventing water infiltration and further deterioration. It also allows the sealant to expand and contract with temperature changes, reducing the likelihood of cracks reappearing.

Asphalt Crack Routing Services

For businesses in the Twin Cities, asphalt crack routing offers numerous advantages. It enhances the aesthetics of the pavement and improves the overall appearance of the property. Cracked and damaged asphalt can create a negative impression on customers and visitors, while well-maintained surfaces convey professionalism and care.

Moreover, expert crack repair prolongs the lifespan of the pavement, saving businesses money in the long run. By addressing cracks early on, before they develop into larger potholes or extensive pavement failures, businesses can avoid costly repairs or complete resurfacing projects.


And as a bonus, regular maintenance through crack routing demonstrates a commitment to safety. Cracks in the pavement can be a hazard, especially for pedestrians and vehicles. By promptly addressing these issues, businesses in the Twin Cities can create a safer environment for their customers, reducing the risk of accidents and potential legal liabilities.

If you’re looking for crack repair and asphalt crack routing services in the Twin Cities, MN, Gopher State Sealcoat is waiting for your call. Contact us at (952) 931-9188 today to speak with our team and make a plan for your business. You can also request a free estimate here or visit our website here for more information.