Parking Lot Sealcoating for Small Businesses in the Twin Cities, MN

Parking lots get a lot of use in the Twin Cities, MN, and if you’re a business that’s lucky enough to have one of your own, you likely know the struggles of keeping them well maintained year-round. Throughout the diverse seasons and the types of weather they bring, Minnesota parking lots truly see it all. But a well-maintained parking lot isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also about access. If you’re aiming to keep your business accessible to all, no matter the season, Gopher State Sealcoat has the required solutions for the best parking lot sealcoating.

Fighting Back Against the Winter with Parking Lot Sealcoating

Short of throwing a heated blanket over your parking lot all winter, you may think there isn’t much you can do to prevent the freeze-thaw cycle from cracking and chipping away at your asphalt. But even if you can’t change the weather, you can still prep your parking lot for winter with our professional, thorough parking lot sealcoating.

Parking Lot Sealcoating Helps to Extend the Life of the Asphalt

Sealcoating is a great way to extend the life of your lot, prevent damage, and help your property ‘weather’ the weather from one year to the next. A major benefit of parking lot sealcoating is the water resistance it provides. A well-sealed lot prevents seepage that would otherwise lead to and worsen cracks and potholes. Once the sealcoating is in place, water is no longer able to permeate the surface and expand. This, in turn, helps keep your lot looking its best.

Sealcoating and Business Accessibility

Beauty isn’t everything when it comes to parking lots. A well-maintained, accessible business lot is one that doesn’t have excessive tripping hazards, is smooth enough for wheelchair transport, fulfills all of Minnesota’s parking lot requirements, and provides an easy path to and from your doors. Parking lot sealcoating helps provide a safe, smooth asphalt surface for your customers, clients, employees, and visitors.

If your business’s parking lot is in need of sealcoating support, Gopher State Sealcoat can help. Parking lot sealcoating is a great way to keep your business welcoming and safe for all, and with our support, you can get the most out of your Twin Cities, MN business lot in every season. Contact us today at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website to find out more about our sealcoating services and request a free estimate.

Crack Sealing and Sealcoating After Snow Plow Damage in the Twin Cities, MN

Snow plows in the Twin Cities, MN are the undeniable heroes of our winter months. But for all the good they do, they can also do a real number on parking lots, streets, and pavement. With repeated trips and heavy, scraping machinery involved, even the toughest parking lots and commercial driveways can end up with some structural damage come spring. The application of salt makes this worse by causing melting, cracks, and eventually potholes. At Gopher State Sealcoat, we’re very familiar with the trials and tribulations of keeping lots intact through the winter, and with our crack sealing and sealcoating options, you can rest assured that your pavement will stand up to the challenge.

Crack Sealing

Short of banning plows entirely on city streets and lots, there isn’t much to be done about the sheer amount of wear and tear they cause over time. Until all of our roads are geothermically heated, winter damage is just part of the experience of living in a pavement-based infrastructure. However, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do to bolster your property against the hazards of winter.

A Powerful Tool is Crack Sealing

Crack sealing is a powerful tool in the repertoire of sealcoating teams. Depending on the type of crack, the extent of the damage, and the overall condition of your lot, it may be relatively easy to address the problem areas with some carefully placed sealant. For lots with a high crack density, more comprehensive sealcoating and treatments might be the solution you’re looking for.

Familiar With Aftermath

Business owners and property managers in Minnesota are likely very familiar with the aftermath of a plow-heavy winter, but even a heavily cracked or damaged lot is still salvageable with the right tools and expertise. Sealcoating can be catered very precisely to the needs of your lot, and with our crack sealing professionals, you can bring a lot back from the brink of impassibility.


If your Twin Cities, MN parking lot or property has sustained damage from snow plows, winter wear and tear, or any new crack formations, Gopher State Sealcoat can help. For more information on our crack sealing, sealcoating, and other asphalt maintenance services, contact us today at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website for more information. You can also schedule an appointment for a free estimate.

Sealcoating Your Parking Lot Can Prevent Potholes in Twin Cities, MN

It’s no secret that this winter left a major mark on Twin Cities, MN roads and parking lots. It’s difficult to drive a block without encountering some sort of divot or something far deeper. And parking lots are no exception. The sealcoating team at Gopher State Sealcoat understands how frustrating asphalt maintenance can be and is proud to offer asphalt services to all Twin Cities area parking lots impacted by the long, harsh winter.

Potholes are a real danger to cars and customers.

Parking lot potholes can cause major damage to vehicles and simultaneously pose a hazard for customers. Parking lot maintenance doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. With the right treatment and tools, your asphalt parking lot can receive the sealcoating it requires to help minimize future damage and maximize your parking lot’s utility and accessibility.

Sealcoating is the process of applying a protective coating to your asphalt parking lot. The sealcoat asphalt acts as a shield between the pavement and the elements, preventing moisture and particulates from sinking into the surface and causing damage. By sealing your parking lot regularly, you can prolong its lifespan and save yourself the cost of expensive repairs. In Minnesota, where long winters and frequent freeze-thaw cycles are common, sealcoating is particularly effective.

When you sealcoat asphalt, you give it the protection it requires.

As we’ve seen in the last year, our weather conditions can cause cracks to form in the pavement, which can quickly turn into potholes. Sealcoating asphalt helps to prevent this by filling in any existing cracks and creating a smooth surface that is more resistant to damage. This comes with the added bonus of improving the appearance of your parking lot. The black finish gives your property a clean, professional look, which can help enhance the curb appeal of your business.

Maintaining parking lots in the Twin Cities, MN can be challenging. Old pavement, harsh weather, and heavy traffic are a brutal combination. But with Gopher State Sealcoat’s services, you can touch up your parking lot and, more importantly, reinforce it for years to come. Call Gopher State Sealcoat today to make your appointment. Twin Cities, MN area businesses can contact us at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website here for more information.

Parking Lot Striping for Businesses in the Twin Cities, MN

Parking lot striping is one of those crucial business services that, when it’s done right, you don’t have to think about at all. With distinct, clean pavement markings, you can help guide your customers once they reach your place of business and prevent accidents and confusion along the way. Gopher State Sealcoat offers parking lot striping that will keep your Twin Cities, MN parking lot looking fresh and operating at its best for the entire calendar year.

Parking Lot Striping Leads to Safety

Clear signage is a vital part of any and all metro businesses that provide parking. To help drivers navigate and park safely, it is essential to provide obvious and understandable pavement markings. A lack of clarity can lead to frustrated drivers and snap decisions that can put vehicles and pedestrians at risk. Plus, having an unmarked parking lot is a major liability, especially in narrow or space-limited lots. We can also stripe in accordance with ADA regulations to make your parking lot compliant and safer for everyone visiting your business.

Streamlining Service

Even though it might not be obvious at first glance, parking lot striping is a good way to improve business service during busy times. By ensuring smooth traffic flow, you can help customers get in and out quickly, free up space for new visitors, and prevent lost sales due to a lack of parking space or navigability. While the interior of your business and your services are the highlights of what you offer to consumers, the exterior visitation experience can be a dealbreaker for many prospective patrons. Parking lot striping and effective pavement marking can simplify traffic flow and help things move smoothly throughout the day.

Well-maintained Appearance

It is difficult to understate the power of appearances when it comes to pavement marking. Minnesota pavement takes a beating throughout the year, especially in the winter. Keeping a neat-looking lot with parking lot striping can set your business apart from competitors by showcasing your attention to detail and commitment to customer accommodation and safety.

If your Twin Cities, MN area business needs new pavement marking, Gopher State Sealcoat has the tools, products, and services you need to refresh your parking lot. A free estimate for our parking lot striping service is available now for your multi-unit or commercial property. You can also call us today at (952) 931-9188 and schedule your pavement marking appointment for next season, or visit our website for more information on our services.

Boosting Business with Parking Lot Sealcoating in the Twin Cities, MN.  

Appearances go a long way in the Twin Cities, MN business game. And yes, that includes everything from your building’s exterior down to your parking lot. When it comes to asphalt surfaces, parking lot sealcoating is a crucial aspect of maintaining the safety and appearance of commercial properties in the Twin Cities area. At Gopher State Sealcoat, we can help you boost your look, reputation, and business with sturdy asphalt and professional-grade sealcoating.

Parking Lot Sealcoating Protect Your Asphalt Surface

Sealcoating helps to protect asphalt surfaces from the damaging effects of weather, traffic, and other environmental factors. By applying a protective layer of sealant, property owners can extend the life of their asphalt and save money on costly repairs and replacements. This is especially crucial in a state like Minnesota, where our weather patterns can be brutal in either direction. Extreme heat and cold are both hard on asphalt, and the right sealant can be a major advantage.

The Freeze-Thaw Cycle and Water Damage

One of the primary benefits of sealcoating is that it protects against water damage that can result from the freeze-thaw cycle. Over time, water can penetrate asphalt and cause cracks and potholes, which can be dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians. Sealcoating helps to prevent water from seeping into the asphalt and causing damage, ultimately prolonging the life of the parking lot. When you live in a state like Minnesota, where it freezes and thaws a lot, sealcoating is a must-have protection.

Parking Lot Sealcoating Protects Your Lot from the Sun

On the other end of the spectrum, parking lot sealcoating also helps to protect against the damaging effects of UV rays. The summer sun’s rays can cause asphalt to fade and become brittle, which can lead to cracking and deterioration. A layer of sealant applied by a professional will protect the asphalt from the damaging effects of UV rays and help it keep its shape and appearance.

Safer and Visually Appealing Asphalt Surfaces

Sealcoating makes the surface of a parking lot smoother, which can improve the overall safety of the driving and walking experience. Smooth surfaces are also easier to clean and maintain, reducing the need for frequent sweeping or pressure washing. And it’s important to remember that a cracked and battered parking lot doesn’t just pose a physical risk but also a visual one. Humans are highly visual creatures; if they don’t like how your lot looks, it’ll reflect on the rest of your business. In today’s market, aesthetics are a necessary business strategy. To that end, professionally applied parking lot sealcoating can do wonders to help boost your business’s ever-important visual appeal.

Gopher State Sealcoat has the tools you need to maintain your lot and boost your business for the long term. Put your bids for next season in today to ensure that your lot is protected against rain, snow, heat, and everything in between. Twin Cities, MN businesses and property owners can contact us today at (952) 931-9188 to set up a time for a free estimate or visit our website here for more information.

How Sealcoating Protects and Extends the Life of Pavement in the Twin Cities, MN.

Sealcoating is an essential part of maintaining the pavement on your property’s parking lots and walkable areas. In the Twin Cities, MN area, where freezing temperatures and harsh weather can cause damage to asphalt, can help protect and extend its lifespan. With Gopher State Sealcoat, you can introduce new and necessary protection measures for next winter to help maintain your pavement and keep it intact longer.

What is sealcoating, and how does it work?

Sealcoating is a process in which a layer of liquid sealant is applied to the surface of the asphalt pavement. This sealant forms a protective barrier over the pavement to prevent damage from water, sunlight, and other factors. It fills in small cracks and imperfections. This will greatly improve the overall appearance of your pavement and help reduce the risk of further damage.

There are several benefits to sealcoating your property’s parking lot. First and foremost, it can help prevent damage from the elements. In the Twin Cities, where freezing temperatures and harsh weather are common, it can help prevent the formation of potholes and other damage caused by water and ice. This can save you money on repairs and help extend the lifespan of your parking lot. In the modern age of property management, sealcoating is a necessary and effective part of comprehensive pavement care.

When is the best time to apply sealant?

When it comes to pavement care, a little foresight is important. Proper sealcoating needs temperate weather conditions in order to set correctly, and in Minnesota, that occurs during the summer months. Knowing that you’ll need to employ a new pavement care method and arrange your appointment ahead of time is vital. Our pavement care professionals can work with you to ensure that your sealcoating needs are met on a timeline that fits your schedule and best protects your property.

Sealcoating is a cost-effective way to protect and maintain your asphalt parking lots and paved property. If you’re interested in sealcoating your property’s parking lot in the Twin Cities, MN, contact Gopher State Sealcoat today at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website. We’ll gladly provide a free estimate and book an appointment for the upcoming season.

Keeping Your Twin Cities Property Orderly and Up to Date with Parking Lot Striping

Managing a property with a parking lot in the Twin Cities, MN, can feel a little like an exercise in futility, thanks to the fluctuating seasons and constant wear and tear of Minnesota’s weather. But sometimes little touches like parking lot striping do a lot more good than many business managers may realize. Gopher State Sealcoat provides clean and even striping services that help your commercial property look its best while providing a safe and straightforward parking environment for your clients.

Parking Lot Striping

Parking lot striping may feel like a low priority when you’re trying to run a business, but these little lines can do more than just provide a uniform-looking lot. Effective parking lot striping not only keeps your lot accessible and organized, but it also prevents accidents by introducing straightforward guidance to vehicles and clear walkways for pedestrians. In the midst of a busy business day, having a well-kept lot can increase visitors and limit frustration before your clients even make it in your door.


Additionally, parking lot striping can provide benefits for commercial and residential property managers alike. Both lot types need signage and spaces in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but striping services also come with the added benefit of assigned spots for tenants or frequent shoppers. Prioritizing parking on your property can smooth daily operations without needing to assign staff to vehicle direction or wasting time with traffic backups.

Keep Parking Lot Looking Good

Ultimately, the simplest reason to invest in striping services though is to keep your lot looking its best. Clean, easy-to-see lines promote an image that says you value attention to detail and customer convenience. If your parking lot striping is fading or needs a post-winter touch up, Gopher State Sealcoat can help.

Twin Cities, MN, property managers can reach out to Gopher State Sealcoat for striping services by calling (952) 931-9188 or by visiting our website here for additional information. For other asphalt and sealing services, feel free to inquire about our comprehensive property support options. Call today to find out how we support Minnesota businesses!

Protecting Your Twin Cities, MN, Lots with Parking Lot Sealcoating

Maintaining your parking lots in the Twin Cities, MN, can make some major contributions to your business. Because if your storefront isn’t easily accessible, presents a messy image, or looks risky to cars and people alike, potential visitors may be deterred and your business may not be as prosperous as it could be. This is especially true in the midst of a Minnesota winter when street parking is even more limited. Deciding to incorporate parking lot sealcoat with Gopher State Sealcoat onto your property can keep your customers safe and your lot looking good.

Parking Lot Sealcoating

Parking lots get a lot of abuse in the Midwest thanks to weather fluctuations and heavy vehicles traversing the city streets. Salting, sanding, and plowing can all contribute to a quick accumulation of damage in the winter, while gas, skidding, and oil stains can mar the surface year-round. Even a small parking lot can sustain a lot of damage just across a couple of seasonal changes. Rather than being forced to invest in costly repairs annually, mitigating damage is a great way to budget for your property and keep it looking great year-round.


Parking lot sealcoating prevents damage by minimizing the amount of moisture that seeps into cracks on your pavement and by slowing the oxidation process. These protections, along with the surface flexibility that sealcoats offer, can extend the life of your parking lot significantly. Water and oxidizing agents can deteriorate the surface of the pavement or even sink down and negatively impact the internal integrity. Sealcoating is a great way to slow and in some cases, stop this process.

Professional Look to Business

An intact parking lot can make your business look and feel alluring as well as professional. Twin Cities residents always appreciate accessible and nicely maintained lots for good reason. Beyond just allowing cars to safely navigate the space, it also grants pedestrians and customers with accessible needs more direct and safe access. This means that parking lot sealcoating alone can boost visitors to your commercial location.

If your Twin Cities, MN, business has a parking lot that you need to maintain, Gopher State Sealcoat can help. Contact us today at (952) 931-9188 or by visiting our website here to find out more about our sealcoat options.

How Commercial Sealcoating in the Twin Cities, MN, Saves You Money in the Long Run

Sealcoating is a multi-purpose asphalt-sealing process that provides a bevy of benefits to your commercial asphalt in the Twin Cities, MN. Along with the tangible, physical benefits that sealcoating provides, it also comes with the bonus ability to save you and your business money by bolstering your property’s surfaces and helping them stay intact as long as possible. If you’re aiming to strengthen the asphalt around your place of business, Gopher State Sealcoat can help.


Sealcoating is an excellent protective tool for high-traffic commercial asphalt. The sealing process makes asphalt last longer by preventing surface damage that has the potential to grow into something more serious. Flaws such as cracks and splits in commercial asphalt can worsen if exposed to excessive sunlight, moisture, ice, and more. With professional sealcoating, these cracks are prevented in the first place. This allows commercial asphalt to really earn its money’s worth. Fewer cracks and flaws mean fewer repairs required as time goes on and more of your budget available for building your brand.


Sealcoating can also prevent accidents and dangerous situations by keeping the pavement smooth and flat. This means no flat tires from potholes, no cars slipping and sliding into each other, and faster melting ice and snow, which in turn means, hopefully, no trips and falls. Keeping your property safe for consumers keeps them coming in on foot, via car, and without interruption. 

Well-Kempt Environment

And finally, it’s important to remember the power of aesthetics. When commercial asphalt looks its best it provides a welcoming gathering spot for people and vehicles alike. Whereas torn, cracked commercial asphalt can project an image of disorder, clean smooth asphalt provides a tidy and well-kempt environment that will draw in customers and encourage them to come back.

Having a safe, welcoming, sturdy commercial lot can help keep revenue rolling in while simultaneously preventing loss due to damage or accidents. At Gopher State Sealcoat, we provide the commercial asphalt seal support that your business is looking for. Twin Cities, MN, business owners and property managers can reach out to us at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website here for more information.

Benefits of Investing in Asphalt Sealcoating

Now that spring is here in the Twin Cities, make sure your asphalt surfaces are ready! This is a great time of year to invest in asphalt sealcoating for a number of different reasons, and the team at Gopher State Sealcoat is here to answer your questions along the way!

Here are just a few of the many reasons you may consider investing in asphalt sealcoating. Let’s take a look:

  • Physical Appearance: After going through a long Minnesota winter, we all need a little extra care and attention before returning to the sunshine, and that includes our asphalt driveways and parking lots! Salt, water, and the freeze/thaw cycle can do a number on the appearance of asphalt surfaces, especially if they were chipped and/or cracked going into the colder season. A professionally applied sealcoating will protect your asphalt and make it look fresh and new again!
  • Slowing Damages: Of course, the powerful rays of the sun can do damage all their own! This season, investing in a quality sealcoating means investing in protection for your asphalt investment. Whether the issue is water or oil, a fresh sealcoating will slow oxidation and fluid penetration, keeping your asphalt surface safe and protected for years to come!
  • General Ease: A quality sealcoating allows you ease of mind. You’ll know that the asphalt is protected from sun and rain, and you won’t have to spend a ton of money to replace the entire surface in a few years. Additionally, a smoother, sealed surface is easier to maintain and clean. That means less time sweeping, cleaning, and trying to make sure your asphalt is safe!