Protecting Your Twin Cities, MN, Lots with Parking Lot Sealcoating

Maintaining your parking lots in the Twin Cities, MN, can make some major contributions to your business. Because if your storefront isn’t easily accessible, presents a messy image, or looks risky to cars and people alike, potential visitors may be deterred and your business may not be as prosperous as it could be. This is especially true in the midst of a Minnesota winter when street parking is even more limited. Deciding to incorporate parking lot sealcoat with Gopher State Sealcoat onto your property can keep your customers safe and your lot looking good.

Parking Lot Sealcoating

Parking lots get a lot of abuse in the Midwest thanks to weather fluctuations and heavy vehicles traversing the city streets. Salting, sanding, and plowing can all contribute to a quick accumulation of damage in the winter, while gas, skidding, and oil stains can mar the surface year-round. Even a small parking lot can sustain a lot of damage just across a couple of seasonal changes. Rather than being forced to invest in costly repairs annually, mitigating damage is a great way to budget for your property and keep it looking great year-round.


Parking lot sealcoating prevents damage by minimizing the amount of moisture that seeps into cracks on your pavement and by slowing the oxidation process. These protections, along with the surface flexibility that sealcoats offer, can extend the life of your parking lot significantly. Water and oxidizing agents can deteriorate the surface of the pavement or even sink down and negatively impact the internal integrity. Sealcoating is a great way to slow and in some cases, stop this process.

Professional Look to Business

An intact parking lot can make your business look and feel alluring as well as professional. Twin Cities residents always appreciate accessible and nicely maintained lots for good reason. Beyond just allowing cars to safely navigate the space, it also grants pedestrians and customers with accessible needs more direct and safe access. This means that parking lot sealcoating alone can boost visitors to your commercial location.

If your Twin Cities, MN, business has a parking lot that you need to maintain, Gopher State Sealcoat can help. Contact us today at (952) 931-9188 or by visiting our website here to find out more about our sealcoat options.