Winter Crack Sealing Tips for Commercial Twin Cities, MN, Asphalt

Winter does a number on just about every aspect of the road infrastructure in Twin Cities, MN, and asphalt is no exception. Snow melt, ice, shifting dirt, and fluctuating temps can all contribute to the breakdown of even the sturdiest asphalt surface. At Gopher State Sealcoat, we can help you make a plan to introduce crack sealing to your property post-winter and help ensure that your visitors, customers, and clients have a smooth asphalt experience, whether they’re just stopping by for a short appointment or are a regular to your location.

Creation of Asphalt Cracks

As all Minnesota residents know, pothole season is a quintessential part of the winter experience, especially after a big melt. Extreme temperatures combined with sheets of snow and ice lead to contraction and expansion that, in turn, leads to asphalt cracks, dips, splits, and eventually, those iconic potholes. Preventing these from occurring takes quite a bit of preplanning and premeditated crack sealing, but as soon as snow arrives, mitigating asphalt cracks becomes more complicated.

Major Risks

Beyond simply being an eyesore, potholes on your property can be a major risk for pedestrians and drivers alike. Injuries and car damage are real possibilities if you don’t see and repair a hole in time, and if there’s still ice on the ground, the dangers only compound each other. While not as dramatic, asphalt cracks can also provide similar risks as well. But what can you do if there’s snow on the ground and it’s too cold for traditional crack sealing?

Crack Sealing Plan

At Gopher State Sealcoat, we recommend keeping your parking lots and property as clear of snow as possible. Because as snow melts and re-forms into ice, it can seep deep into asphalt cracks and cause them to expand even more dramatically. Similarly, we encourage property owners to keep drains and run-off areas clear of leaves and debris so that water flow doesn’t get blocked in high-risk spots. If you’re concerned about your property come spring, we can help you make a crack sealing plan that will treat and repair your asphalt cracks as soon as the temperatures even out.

If you missed your window for treating the asphalt cracks on your property, never fear, Gopher State Sealcoat is here to help. For more tips on asphalt crack prevention or crack sealing services in Twin Cities, MN, you can reach out to us at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website here for additional information. Make your crack sealing plan today and be ready as soon as the snow begins to melt away.