Expert Crack Repairs for Damaged Commercial Asphalt in the Twin Cities, MN

The durability of asphalt is a major selling point for commercial lots when constructing walkways, parking lots, and roads, but durable doesn’t mean indestructible. Over time, with enough pressure and repeated use, even asphalt will need some touch-ups. At Gopher State Sealcoat, we provide precise routing and crack repair for minor and major repair needs on your Twin Cities, MN commercial property.

Small-Scale Routing and Repair

Depending on the size of your property or the amount of asphalt onsite, you might feel as though a professional repair job isn’t really necessary. But even small asphalt faults can have a major negative impact on accessibility and customer liability. A single, wide crack on a walkway can lead to tripping, and one shallow pothole can still be enough to damage a car. In fact, for many crack repair and routing scenarios, the quality of the fix is just as important as project scale or quantity.

Large-Scale Crack Repair

Our crack repair team can assist commercial properties with asphalt parking lots, connecting driveways, and pedestrian walkways in need of repair. Large-scale repairs require just as much precision as smaller projects. With careful routing and thorough resurfacing, we can completely restore the appearance and functionality of your property. Our services take seasonal damage and unavoidable wear and tear into account and address all of your concerns efficiently.

For large and small commercial locations alike, we prioritize a swift return to business with as little interruption to normal business operations as possible. You can treat surface maintenance as a lower-priority task than other property upkeep, but when done properly, an effective crack repair job can withstand extreme weather, repeated use, and impacts.

If you’re a Twin Cities, MN property owner or business manager in need of asphalt upkeep, crack repairs other resurfacing, Gopher State Sealcoat is here to lend a hand. For comprehensive asphalt and routing, or repair services in the Twin Cities metro area, contact us today at (952) 931-9188 or by visiting our website for more information. If you’re interested in getting started on an asphalt repair or maintenance project, we’ll gladly provide you with a free estimate for the required work and/or services.