Asphalt leads a tough life in the Twin Cities, MN. From the weather to the big trucks, even the newest and shiniest asphalt can develop cracks in a relatively short time frame. While you may not be able to fight against the weather, there are some steps that property owners can take to prevent cracked asphalt. When it’s time for crack sealing, that’s where we come in. At Gopher State Sealcoat, whether you need comprehensive repair or spot treatments, our crack sealing crew has your back.
Numerous factors can lead to prematurely cracked asphalt.
Traffic, traffic, traffic!
Heavy, repetitious traffic is brutal on even the strongest asphalt. While asphalt is made to withstand a lot of pressure and use, if it experiences a lot of vehicle traffic, it will require more frequent maintenance and crack sealing. If you’re looking to protect your asphalt from vehicle damage, make sure that the layout of your lot or property is conducive to quick passage. When necessary, enforce vehicle weight limits. Banning cars from your property or business isn’t exactly a reasonable solution, but trying to limit how much idling takes place on the lot can help prevent cracked asphalt.
Weather and the great outdoors.
Weather is the obvious opponent of asphalt, but tree roots, weeds, and other stubborn growths can do their share of damage as well. Since you can’t necessarily fight nature, make note of where environmental damage seems to occur and plan from there. For instance, if there’s a tree that keeps damaging your asphalt with its roots, relocation or removal might be in order. But for small faults and cracks that form naturally over time, treating them with professional crack sealing may just be the best way to go.
Water can cause cracked asphalt.
Finally, there’s the challenge water presents. If your asphalt has areas that foster puddles, pooling, and ponds, your property may be lacking in adequate drainage. Don’t wait to treat cracks formed by water damage. If left untreated, small cracks and fissures will quickly expand and worsen. Our asphalt repair technicians can effectively fill and seal cracks, safeguarding the asphalt surface from water intrusion and freeze-thaw cycle damage. At Gopher State Sealcoat, we can help you treat and protect your asphalt, no matter how the damage occurred. From small-scale crack sealing to large-scale repairs, our team can help you target problem areas and properly seal cracked asphalt. Twin Cities, MN area property owners can contact our crack sealing experts today at (952) 931-9188, request a free estimate, or visit our website to make you