Asphalt Repair and Sealcoating in the Twin Cities, MN Area

Sealcoating is a multifaceted maintenance tool for commercial asphalt surfaces, including your Twin Cities, MN parking lots and roadways. All asphalt, by virtue of existing in the great outdoors, is subject to wear and tear from traffic, the extremes of Minnesota weather, and sun damage. Sealcoating with Gopher State Sealcoat provides a protective layer that helps preserve the integrity of the asphalt by extending its life and reducing the need for frequent and expensive repairs. We will ensure your metro-area property receives the best possible asphalt repair and sealcoating protection available.

Understanding the process of asphalt repair.

To the untrained eye, the sealcoating process is simple. But asphalt repair is a specialized process that has a long history of scientific discovery and application. A certain attention to detail and understanding of that science is necessary to ensure that the sealcoating results are stable and effective. To make sealcoating as effective as possible, professionals must pay attention to all those little details.

It starts with the cleaning of the surface and removal of debris. Next, we must address any existing cracks, potholes, or other damage. Our team then carefully and evenly spreads the sealcoating material over the entire surface. Once applied, it forms a protective barrier that mitigates wear from the elements and prevents damage. Sealcoating, when done correctly, can protect the asphalt from water, sunlight, oil, and even the pressures of regular traffic.

The Gopher State Sealcoat experience offers many benefits.

Sealcoating enhances the appearance of commercial asphalt surfaces and safeguards them from the damaging effects of weather and frequent traffic. High-quality asphalt repair and sealcoating services can enhance the overall aesthetics of a property. It can help ensure visitors and customers can use your asphalt surfaces safely. At Gopher State Sealcoat, our team carefully treats your commercial asphalt and can help to revitalize and protect your asphalt surfaces for months to come.

Twin Cities, MN area businesses and property owners can contact Gopher State Sealcoat today at (952) 931-9188, request a free estimate, or visit our website to find out more information about our services. Winter doesn’t last forever, so make plans now for any asphalt repairs and services your asphalt surfaces may need for the upcoming year!

Cracked Asphalt in the Twin Cities, MN and Common Causes

Asphalt leads a tough life in the Twin Cities, MN. From the weather to the big trucks, even the newest and shiniest asphalt can develop cracks in a relatively short time frame. While you may not be able to fight against the weather, there are some steps that property owners can take to prevent cracked asphalt. When it’s time for crack sealing, that’s where we come in. At Gopher State Sealcoat, whether you need comprehensive repair or spot treatments, our crack sealing crew has your back.

Numerous factors can lead to prematurely cracked asphalt.

Traffic, traffic, traffic!

Heavy, repetitious traffic is brutal on even the strongest asphalt. While asphalt is made to withstand a lot of pressure and use, if it experiences a lot of vehicle traffic, it will require more frequent maintenance and crack sealing. If you’re looking to protect your asphalt from vehicle damage, make sure that the layout of your lot or property is conducive to quick passage. When necessary, enforce vehicle weight limits. Banning cars from your property or business isn’t exactly a reasonable solution, but trying to limit how much idling takes place on the lot can help prevent cracked asphalt.

Weather and the great outdoors.

Weather is the obvious opponent of asphalt, but tree roots, weeds, and other stubborn growths can do their share of damage as well. Since you can’t necessarily fight nature, make note of where environmental damage seems to occur and plan from there. For instance, if there’s a tree that keeps damaging your asphalt with its roots, relocation or removal might be in order. But for small faults and cracks that form naturally over time, treating them with professional crack sealing may just be the best way to go.

Water can cause cracked asphalt.

Finally, there’s the challenge water presents. If your asphalt has areas that foster puddles, pooling, and ponds, your property may be lacking in adequate drainage. Don’t wait to treat cracks formed by water damage. If left untreated, small cracks and fissures will quickly expand and worsen. Our asphalt repair technicians can effectively fill and seal cracks, safeguarding the asphalt surface from water intrusion and freeze-thaw cycle damage. At Gopher State Sealcoat, we can help you treat and protect your asphalt, no matter how the damage occurred. From small-scale crack sealing to large-scale repairs, our team can help you target problem areas and properly seal cracked asphalt. Twin Cities, MN area property owners can contact our crack sealing experts today at (952) 931-9188, request a free estimate, or visit our website to make you

Asphalt Repair in the Twin Cities, MN Area Following a Salt-Heavy Winter

The winter season in the Twin Cities, MN area is days of low temperatures, ice, snow, slush, and an endless supply of road salt. While salt is the road treatment of choice to help keep traffic moving in extremely icy conditions, it also comes with a lot of infrastructural side effects. Property managers in the metro can prepare for the aftermath of salty winter conditions by planning their annual asphalt care and asphalt repair in advance, and Gopher State Sealcoat is now taking bids in preparation.

Why Salt and Asphalt Repair Don’t Mix

Winter’s salt isn’t Kryptonite when it comes to asphalt care, but it’s close. The salt itself is less of a hazard than the thawing and refreezing that it causes. The freeze-thaw cycle creates water that seeps into even the smallest openings, causing continuous expansion and contraction within the asphalt. This will lead to cracking, which can quickly worsen. Without proper annual maintenance, cracks will continue to expand until you find yourself with an asphalt surface pitted with potholes of all sizes.

Additionally, salt removal isn’t usually feasible in the middle of winter. You may begin the winter season without requiring any asphalt repair, but by the end of it, you may need to address serious damage. Furthermore, ignoring winter damage is a good way to end up with even more expensive repairs down the line.

Keeping Your Asphalt in Good Condition After a Salty Winter

Since proper asphalt care is next to impossible to perform when temperatures are below freezing, it’s important to plan ahead so you can get out in front of damage come spring. Regular asphalt repairs are crucial to reduce the risk of pedestrian injuries, vehicle damage, and asphalt degradation. Creating an annual asphalt care plan is the best way to ensure that your commercial asphalt surfaces are in great shape and accessible year-round, even during and after a particularly brutal winter.

Twin Cities, MN business owners and property managers interested in creating a consistent asphalt care plan can trust Gopher State Sealcoat to deliver the services and products required for the best asphalt repair and asphalt care available in the Twin Cities metro area. If you would like an estimate for your commercial asphalt maintenance needs, contact us at (952) 931-9188, send us an email, request a free estimate, or visit our website to find out more about our services.

Asphalt Crack Routing in the Twin Cities, MN

Managing asphalt on a commercial property can feel a bit like an exercise in futility in the bustling Twin Cities, MN area. It might even seem like nothing you do can prevent those asphalt cracks from forming. But while it’s true that asphalt cracking is inevitable to a degree, understanding the causes, employing prevention where you can, and establishing a relationship with asphalt crack routing and repair experts at Gopher State Sealcoat can take some of the weight off your shoulders as cracks begin to form. 

Time and Traffic

Wear and tear are the most common reasons why asphalt cracks develop. If your asphalt gets a lot of use, it will likely start to split and crack under the pressure. Even the strongest and most robust asphalt in the world struggles to stand up under constant contact and heavy vehicles. If your property plays host to large or heavy vehicles, such as semis or work trucks, you may need even more upkeep to handle that extra weight. But even low-use asphalt will eventually break down with enough time. These types of asphalt cracks may start small but will lengthen and widen as more time goes by.

Temperature Related Asphalt Crack Routing

Unless you have the ability to control the weather, temperature-related asphalt cracks are another form of damage that is pretty difficult to avoid. If you cover your parking lot, you may be able to prevent some damage, but even sun protection cannot completely eliminate heat and cold damage. In order to get ahead of temperature-based asphalt damage, ensuring that your lots are in good condition each season is a good way to prevent cracks from turning into potholes and worse.

Inadequate Drainage

The good news about a drainage problem is that it’s more preventable than time and weather. If your lot has an issue with standing water, adding a new drainage system can limit this type of damage. But in some cases, the cost of installing a new drain far exceeds the price of regular asphalt upkeep. Regardless of the route you choose, Gopher State Sealcoat is happy to assist with asphalt crack routing to repair any cracking asphalt in the interim and beyond.

If your Twin Cities, MN property is suffering from asphalt cracks or damage, the asphalt crack routing and repair experts with Gopher State Sealcoat are here to help. Commercial lot owners can contact us at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website to find out more about booking a repair this year. If you’re ready to repair your commercial asphalt pavement, feel free to contact us for a free estimate!

Expert Crack Repairs for Damaged Commercial Asphalt in the Twin Cities, MN

The durability of asphalt is a major selling point for commercial lots when constructing walkways, parking lots, and roads, but durable doesn’t mean indestructible. Over time, with enough pressure and repeated use, even asphalt will need some touch-ups. At Gopher State Sealcoat, we provide precise routing and crack repair for minor and major repair needs on your Twin Cities, MN commercial property.

Small-Scale Routing and Repair

Depending on the size of your property or the amount of asphalt onsite, you might feel as though a professional repair job isn’t really necessary. But even small asphalt faults can have a major negative impact on accessibility and customer liability. A single, wide crack on a walkway can lead to tripping, and one shallow pothole can still be enough to damage a car. In fact, for many crack repair and routing scenarios, the quality of the fix is just as important as project scale or quantity.

Large-Scale Crack Repair

Our crack repair team can assist commercial properties with asphalt parking lots, connecting driveways, and pedestrian walkways in need of repair. Large-scale repairs require just as much precision as smaller projects. With careful routing and thorough resurfacing, we can completely restore the appearance and functionality of your property. Our services take seasonal damage and unavoidable wear and tear into account and address all of your concerns efficiently.

For large and small commercial locations alike, we prioritize a swift return to business with as little interruption to normal business operations as possible. You can treat surface maintenance as a lower-priority task than other property upkeep, but when done properly, an effective crack repair job can withstand extreme weather, repeated use, and impacts.

If you’re a Twin Cities, MN property owner or business manager in need of asphalt upkeep, crack repairs other resurfacing, Gopher State Sealcoat is here to lend a hand. For comprehensive asphalt and routing, or repair services in the Twin Cities metro area, contact us today at (952) 931-9188 or by visiting our website for more information. If you’re interested in getting started on an asphalt repair or maintenance project, we’ll gladly provide you with a free estimate for the required work and/or services.

Crack Repair for Commercial Asphalt Sidewalks in the Twin Cities, MN

Having a level, smooth, safe, and accessible asphalt sidewalk can have a major impact on how much foot traffic you get at your business year-round in the Twin Cities, MN. In the fall and winter, leaves and snow can obscure faults and bumps, which can in turn lead to trips and spills. In the spring and summer, cracks can widen in the heat until they’re wide enough to catch the tips of sandals and sneakers. Rather than allowing your asphalt sidewalks to deter potential walk-ins, Gopher State Sealcoat can provide crack repair services that make your business welcoming and safe to approach once more.

Crack Repair from Extreme Weather

With our highly variable climate, asphalt tends to take a beating from year to year. This is especially true for roads that bear the weight of cars and trucks, but it also holds true for asphalt sidewalks. Deep potholes in sidewalks are less common but entirely possible if no treatment is provided once a crack begins to form. If you don’t want your business to be associated with twisted ankles, addressing these cracks earlier rather than later is the safest way to approach sidewalk repairs.

We Handle Repair Quickly and Efficiently

At Gopher State Sealcoat, our professional crack repair services are comprehensive. Our thorough crack repair team will visit your site to evaluate what type of routing and sealing will be necessary. All routing is done as quickly and efficiently as possible to prevent interruptions in business, and following the crack repair process, we will clear away any and all debris surrounding our work area. Our team understands that life as a Twin Cities area business can be fast-paced, so we work hard to accommodate your busy schedule.

An asphalt sidewalk that has received our routing and crack repair treatment will be more resistant to water, less likely to crack again this season, and safer for your customers, visitors, and staff.

Twin Cities, MN area business owners with cracked asphalt pavement and sidewalks on their property can contact Gopher State Sealcoat today at (952) 931-9188 to find out more about our crack repair services. If you have asphalt repair or sealcoating projects in mind for 2024, we will gladly visit your location and provide a free estimate. When it comes to making your asphalt sidewalks smooth and safe for customers of all types, our professional and thorough crack repair services can make that goal a reality.

Asphalt Damage can Come from Many Causes in the Twin Cities, MN

Construction season in the Twin Cities, MN will be in full swing as soon as the melt begins, but it can be frustrating as a business owner to see the ice melt away and find devastation in its wake. Asphalt damage is, in some ways, an unavoidable part of winter life in Minnesota, but with Gopher State Sealcoat on your side, you can survive the common pitfalls of asphalt care in our brutally diverse climate.

Asphalt damage is a natural product of the freeze-thaw cycle.

No matter how innovative you are with your parking lot construction and how dedicated you may be to ensuring that your property is de-iced, our climate is one that goes through a lot of cycles. The freeze and thaw cycle in particular is a major contributor to asphalt damage in the Twin Cities. Unless your property has fully integrated heated lots, you will probably find yourself in need of seasonal sealcoating whenever we go through a particularly brutal winter. Even though we can’t change the weather, you can still take precautions when trying to prevent asphalt damage on your property.

Heavy vehicles can increase damage to asphalt during the colder months.

Preventing asphalt damage sometimes means making tough calls, and asking large vehicles to steer clear of your lot may be one of them. Repeated visits from heavy trucks and machinery can do a number on even the sturdiest asphalt. If you want your sealcoating to stay strong through the winter, consider creating a load limit for your lot or switching from large plows to smaller, more lightweight equipment. You don’t necessarily have to shovel by hand, but cutting down on repeat exposures can help.

Salt, salt, salt!

Of course, our greatest protector can also be one of our greatest foes! Despite the fact that salt is what helps us get around in the winter, once it hits the pavement, it can cause other problems. When salt melts ice, the water has to go somewhere, and that somewhere is usually into small cracks in the pavement. During the freeze-thaw cycle, water that seeps into cracks will refreeze, contributing to expanding cracks and faults in the asphalt. If you’re committed to keeping your asphalt walkways and lots completely ice-free with salt, you may find yourself with asphalt damage come spring.

If you’d like to keep your business lots pristine year-round and are hesitant to forgo salt and heavy cars, Gopher State Sealcoat can help. Our sealcoating solutions take the unique road conditions of the Twin Cities into account throughout our asphalt damage repair process. Our goal is to bolster, protect, and prevent cracks and faults from occurring as best as possible. Our sealcoating experts can help you keep your lots intact, even when the world seems to be working against you.

Twin Cities, MN area business owners can contact Gopher State Sealcoat today at (952) 931-9188 or visit our website for additional information. If you’re noticing winter asphalt damage and would like to plan ahead for after the big melt, we‘ll be happy to provide a free estimate for the project.

Planning for Commercial Asphalt Repairs After the Big Melt in the Twin Cities, MN

In regions like ours, where winter brings frigid temperatures and heavy snowfall, the arrival of spring signals a significant thaw. Before the ice and snow begin to melt, however, commercial property owners and managers should already have a plan in place for necessary asphalt repairs. Gopher State Sealcoat can help you plan ahead with repairs to your Twin Cities, MN business’s asphalt surfaces as soon as the melt begins.

Asphalt Repairs

The temperature fluctuations associated with the transition from winter to spring can have a devastating impact on asphalt surfaces, necessitating timely attention. Without forethought, clients, customers, and employees can be left to navigate across dangerous, deteriorating driveways and parking lots, which only get worse with time.

Thawing and Freezing

The repeated freezing and thawing of water within the cracks and crevices of the asphalt can cause small openings to expand. This freeze-thaw cycle leads to the formation of cracks and surface deterioration. As the ice melts, water seeps into these openings, and when it freezes again, it exerts pressure on the surrounding asphalt, causing bigger and bigger damage over time. It’s possible to go into winter with your lots and asphalt intact only to emerge from winter finding hole after hole.


Obvious potholes aside, temperature fluctuations can also affect the structural integrity of commercial asphalt. Prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can lead to brittleness and make the surface more susceptible to cracking. Conversely, the warming temperatures of spring can cause the asphalt to expand, further stressing existing cracks and weaknesses. Even if you don’t have visible damage to your asphalt, faults might be resting just out of sight.

Timely Asphalt Repairs

Timely repairs can prevent minor issues from escalating into more extensive and costly problems, which is where planning ahead comes through. Asphalt repair is best done early in the damage process, and if you haven’t budgeted for your commercial asphalt, you might find yourself scrambling to stay ahead of ever-growing problems.

Gopher State Sealcoat recommends that all Twin Cities, MN business owners with commercial asphalt incorporate repairs into their annual budgets. This gives you the wiggle room you may need when asphalt repair season rolls around. If you’d like a commercial asphalt consultation or have questions about our asphalt repair services, contact us at (952) 931-9188, visit our website, or request a free estimate today!

Asphalt Crack Routing in the Twin Cities, MN

Asphalt is a widely popular paving material in most metro areas due to its durability and cost-effectiveness. However, like any material that sees a lot of commercial use, it can develop cracks and faults. A major contributing factor to this inevitability is extreme temperature fluctuations. In the scorching summers of the Twin Cities, MN, heat-damaged asphalt is a common issue that can pose significant problems for businesses and commercial roads alike. But when cracks begin to develop, our asphalt crack routing experts at Gopher State Sealcoat are here to lend a hand.

Causes of Asphalt Crack

The extreme temperatures experienced in the Twin Cities can cause asphalt to expand and contract, leading to cracks and fissures. This process is worsened by the freeze-thaw cycle, where moisture seeps into the cracks, freezes, and expands, further damaging the pavement. Additionally, heavy traffic loads and age-related deterioration contribute to the formation of cracks.

To combat the detrimental effects of heat-damaged asphalt, asphalt crack routing is a fast and effective solution. Unlike traditional crack repair methods that merely fill the cracks, crack routing involves cutting a precise, narrow groove along the crack’s length. Typically, this groove is ¼ – 1” wide by ¾ – 1” deep. This technique creates a clean, uniform reservoir that allows for proper filling and sealing.

Benefits of Asphalt Crack Routing

Routing the cracks removes debris and vegetation, providing a clean surface for the sealant to adhere to. The reservoir created by the routing process ensures a proper bond between the sealant and the asphalt, preventing water infiltration and further deterioration. It also allows the sealant to expand and contract with temperature changes, reducing the likelihood of cracks reappearing.

Asphalt Crack Routing Services

For businesses in the Twin Cities, asphalt crack routing offers numerous advantages. It enhances the aesthetics of the pavement and improves the overall appearance of the property. Cracked and damaged asphalt can create a negative impression on customers and visitors, while well-maintained surfaces convey professionalism and care.

Moreover, expert crack repair prolongs the lifespan of the pavement, saving businesses money in the long run. By addressing cracks early on, before they develop into larger potholes or extensive pavement failures, businesses can avoid costly repairs or complete resurfacing projects.


And as a bonus, regular maintenance through crack routing demonstrates a commitment to safety. Cracks in the pavement can be a hazard, especially for pedestrians and vehicles. By promptly addressing these issues, businesses in the Twin Cities can create a safer environment for their customers, reducing the risk of accidents and potential legal liabilities.

If you’re looking for crack repair and asphalt crack routing services in the Twin Cities, MN, Gopher State Sealcoat is waiting for your call. Contact us at (952) 931-9188 today to speak with our team and make a plan for your business. You can also request a free estimate here or visit our website here for more information.

How Routing and Crack Repair Can Extend the Life of Your Twin Cities, MN Parking Lot

Pavement maintenance is the unsung hero of any bustling metro, and the Twin Cities, MN area is no exception. Routing and crack repair are crucial services that maintain the safety and integrity of your parking lots, business driveways, and sidewalks. Proper maintenance of these areas can help prevent accidents and liability issues, ensuring a safe environment for employees and customers, and Gopher State Sealcoat always puts safety first.

What is routing?

Routing involves cutting a groove along the length of a crack to create a uniform shape to fill with sealant. This process helps ensure that the sealant bonds properly with the asphalt surface, creating a watertight seal that prevents further damage to the pavement. Routing is an effective method for repairing cracks in parking lots and driveways, as it provides a long-lasting and durable repair. It’s also great for spot repairs or touch-ups on otherwise intact surfaces.

By nipping cracks in the bud, businesses can prevent the formation of potholes and other pavement damage that can be costly to repair and quick to spread in high-traffic areas. Crack repair puts a stop to water intrusion and erosion, which is essential in states like Minnesota that experience just about every type of weather condition.

Routing and crack sealing can promote positive customer impressions.

For businesses, the importance of routing and crack repair extends beyond simply maintaining the safety and integrity of their parking lots and commercial driveways. It’s possible to promote positive customer impressions by improving the overall appearance of your properties. By investing in regular maintenance and repairs, you can extend the lifespan of pavement and avoid costly repairs or replacements in the future, thereby saving money for other maintenance items down the road.

Twin Cities, MN area business owners can reach out to Gopher State Sealcoat today to make their appointments. Our teams are standing by to repair, revitalize, and even revive your pavement. Contact us at (952) 931-9188 to make an appointment, or visit our website here now to request a free estimate.