Parking Lot Restoration After Another Brutal Winter in the Twin Cities, MN Area

Winter is on its way out of the Twin Cities, MN area, which means it’s finally time to recover from the past few months of snow, ice, and freezing temperatures! Although there are a lot of things to think about around an apartment building or complex this time of year, have you considered maintaining the parking lot or parking lot restoration?

Without proper preparation, asphalt parking lots can suffer a great deal during the winter months, but there are a number of ways to ensure they will be restored. Let’s take a look at how to recover from winter damage in your parking lot!

Before doing anything, take a moment to walk through the parking lot to observe what has been damaged. Are you noticing cracks or potholes? Has the paint faded? Start by taking notes and pictures before deciding how to properly fix your asphalt parking lot.
Contact Professionals:

A professional will know exactly how to tend to your asphalt parking lot, and the folks at Gopher State Sealcoat have years of experience to help with your restoration! After doing your personal walkthrough, a walk through with a professional contractor will also observe problem spots and help you to move forward!
Parking Lot Restorations:

To start out the parking lot restoration process, a contractor may begin with simple asphalt patching, so the lot is usable until the larger restoration can take place. Throughout the restoration process, contractors may advise a number of different techniques, such as crack filling or sealcoating, depending on the needs of your parking lot!

In addition to completing the parking lot restoration, a contractor will provide tools and techniques for you to use during future parking lot maintenance. As a result, rather than performing a complete lot restoration again next winter, your lot should be safe for years to come!

Ready to begin your spring parking lot maintenance in the Twin Cities, MN area? Give the professionals at Gopher State Sealcoat a call today!