4 Important Questions (and Answers) about Asphalt during Winter

When it comes to sealcoating asphalt in the Twin Cities area, make sure that you ask key questions during the winter months. Snow, slush, and ice can seriously damage your asphalt, especially if it isn’t properly sealed.

Here are just a few questions to consider this season, along with a few quick answers from our asphalt and sealcoat professionals:


  1. If snow falls on my unsealed asphalt driveway, will it be permanently damaged?

Not necessarily. If the winter weather hit before you could get that commercial asphalt driveway sealed, it is at an increased risk of damage, but will not necessarily crack before spring arrives. To avoid concerns next season, make sure to get it sealed ASAP!


  1. Do I need to de-ice my driveway throughout the winter?

Absolutely! Particularly in the Twin Cities, ice is a safety issue, so make sure to regularly shovel and de-ice, especially if you have a commercial driveway. In addition, de-icing your driveway will keep snow and ice from accumulating and causing serious damage to your asphalt before spring arrives.


  1. Which material is best to use when de-icing my driveway?

There are different types of ice melts to use in different quantities and for different materials. Rock salt typically works well on asphalt driveways until the temperature drops below 15 degrees. After that, opt for a magnesium or calcium-based product or consider using sand.


  1. How much de-icing material should I use for a commercial space?

When applying de-icing materials to your asphalt, make sure that you use the correct amount. Too much may damage your driveway and too little won’t get the job done. Consult a professional if you are unsure and make certain you’ve got enough to last all winter long!


For any other questions about winter asphalt or sealcoat maintenance in the Twin Cities, ask the professionals at Gopher State Sealcoat for assistance. Give our professionals a call today, and make sure your asphalt sealcoat is taken care of all year long!