Common Questions about Parking Lot Striping

This season, look no further than Gopher State Sealcoat to help with all your parking lot and asphalt related needs in the Twin Cities area. In addition to paving and patchwork as well as performing regular sealing and crack repairs, we also provide parking lot striping to keep your lot in line.

Are you considering fresh parking lot stipes for your asphalt this season? Here are a few commonly asked questions that you may have about parking lot striping before getting started:

How do I prepare my asphalt surface for parking lot striping?

In order to get the job done right, our professional team needs the parking lot completely clear of vehicles. Make sure to inform tenants or customers about this scheduled maintenance. If the asphalt is dirty, consider having it swept prior to striping. Also, especially as the weather warms up and irrigation systems switch on, make sure to keep the area dry!

When can vehicles return to the parking lot?

After parking lot striping, we suggest to wait at least an hour before the paint is fully dry and ready for traffic. This can, however, be dependent on the weather that day or the temperature during the time of year. Our professional staff will be able to give you a time frame.

How much does it cost to stripe a parking lot?

This also depends on the type of services you require. Prices can vary based on the layout, number of spaces, and other factors that you require for your specific parking lot. For example, how many handicap parking spots are required? Will you need to include arrows to help direct traffic? Our staff will work to make a plan with you ahead of time, addressing both your needs and the overall cost.

So, if you are considering parking lot striping this May in the Twin Cities, look no further than Gopher State Sealcoat. We are here to support you throughout the process, by answering questions and providing our years of expertise. Give our team a call today!