Crack Sealing and Post-winter Care for Concrete in the Twin Cities

Even though we’re in the midst of the winter season in the Twin Cities, it’s never too early to begin planning for the upcoming warmer months. Especially with crack sealing and repair, you need to plan wisely when protecting your driveway, parking lots, walkways, or any other type of concrete surface.

So, rather than waiting until the snow melts, start thinking ahead. Here are a few important considerations in helping your concrete surfaces recover from the rough winter months:

Crack Sealing Concrete: After the winter season subsides, it’s important to check your concrete surfaces for any chips, cracks, or division. Winter can do a number on any concrete surface, which is why it’s important to invest in concrete crack sealing. Indeed, this should be a regular practice in maintaining your concrete!

Winterizing Concrete: Notice that only certain areas of your concrete surface suffered damage from the winter months? That’s likely because these surfaces were not winterized or may have had previous damage that contributed to a freeze-and-thaw cycle throughout the winter months. Be sure to have the surface evaluated before next winter!

Remembering Care for Concrete: One of the biggest problems associated with concrete damage? Forgetting that your concrete surface needs regular care and attention, just like the rest of your property! Although concrete may look tough and impenetrable, remember that it’s an investment and needs regular crack sealing treatments and inspections in order to remain both safe and effective.

What are you waiting for? February means spring is just around the corner in the Twin Cities, and as the snow begins to melt, this is the perfect opportunity to think ahead to next year. Remember to take care of your concrete with regular crack sealing.

If you need additional help or guidance this upcoming year, no need to worry. Just give the team at Gopher State Sealcoat a call today!