Sealcoating Questions for the Start of 2020

Are you concerned about how the ice and snow are treating your blacktop this time of year, or did you notice a few cracks and chips before the season started? Then it’s time to prepare to sealcoat your asphalt this Spring in the Twin Cities!

Sealcoating is an important part of your scheduled asphalt maintenance plan because in addition to protecting your investment from Minnesota winters, it’s a great way to make certain your asphalt integrity endures for years to come. Here are a few often-asked questions about what to expect from the sealcoating process:

What goes into a sealcoat?

Sealcoat is made up of a binder, which is applied to the surface of your asphalt surface. Products produced can range from cold mixed to hot-colloidal suspension blended. And while both processes can turn your pavement black, it is the hot-colloidal blending that merges all the chemicals together. In the long run, this should keep out excess water and protect the asphalt for an extended period.

How long does it take for the sealcoating to fully cure, or set into my asphalt surface?

Although the process of installing a fresh sealcoat can vary from one to several hours, it can take up to one week to fully cure. It is vital for vehicular traffic and other heavy objects to stay off of the new sealcoat as long as possible. If possible, move heavy containers like garbage dumpsters near the entrance of parking lots to avoid tire twists from the truck.

What will sealcoating accomplish?

Preventative sealcoating is helps keep your asphalt safe, smooth, and looking fresh. Although it’s important to invest in new asphalt when older asphalt begins deteriorating, sealcoating is a cost-effective way to slow down the aging process of asphalt.

So, if you are interested about sealcoating for the upcoming season in the Twin Cities, make sure to invest as soon as possible! The team at Gopher State Sealcoat is here to help out with all your asphalt and sealcoating needs in 2020. Just give us a call at (952) 931-9188 today!

Protect New Asphalt this Winter With Sealcoating and More in the Twin Cities Area

After installing new asphalt in the Twin Cities, you might be fearful of the first snowfall of the season. Once you’ve invested in a new asphalt driveway, walking trail, or bike path, you want to ensure that investment stays safe throughout the cold winter months with sealcoating and other care options.

Here are just a few tips for keeping your asphalt investment safe through whatever winter throws our way this season:


Sealcoating: If you haven’t already done so, make sure a quality sealcoating is applied to the asphalt before winter fully arrives. Schedule an appointment with Gopher State Sealcoat and make sure your asphalt receives a protective layer before the cycle of snow, freezing, thaw, and refreezing begins! 


Shoveling: Invest in a plastic shovel to help protect your asphalt. Allowing snow to build up increases weight and pressure on the surface, and metal shovels oftentimes damage asphalt. Make sure to have a sturdy plastic shovel on hand for quick snow removal!


Snow Blowing: For bigger snowfalls, and especially if you have asphalt for a commercial space or apartment building, make sure to hire a quality company to snow blow throughout the season. It’s important to remove heavy snowfall quickly and efficiently.


Deicing: Although throwing down salt may seem like the best way to protect folks using your icy asphalt driveway, parking lot, or walkways, rock salt can cause damage to asphalt surfaces. If you use salt, use it sparingly, and make sure that the contents of your deicing salt are nontoxic. Magnesium chloride is usually a good option!


Are your new asphalt surfaces prepared for the Twin Cities winter ahead? If you’re unsure or have questions, the professionals at Gopher State Sealcoat are here to help! Give us a call today for all of your asphalt and sealcoating needs, and make sure you’re ready for snow, rain, hail, blizzards, or whatever else winter has in store!

Fall Commercial Asphalt Crack Repair in the Twin Cities

Fall is here in the Twin Cities and that means winter is just around the corner. As you prepare for winter throughout your commercial space, testing out your heating system and weather proofing your windows, have you considered how to prepare your parking lot for the impending cold?


If you’ve started to notice cracks around your commercial parking lot, take a moment to identify the cause before investing in a high-quality routing and asphalt crack repair. Here’s how to get started:


Block: After a few seasonal cycles, temperature changes in less-trafficked areas of your parking lot may cause a cycle of expanding and shrinking. These types of asphalt cracks are usually large and cover a rectangular space of a foot or more.


Slippage: If staff members or customers use your asphalt driveway every day, the surface may be prone to slippage cracks. Oftentimes, when cars turn or brake frequently on aging asphalt, these crescent-shaped cracks are likely to appear.


Transverse: Transverse cracks also form as a result of extreme temperature changes. As water melts and freezes on asphalt surfaces, or inside pre-existing asphalt cracks, transverse cracks form and expand over time. Ultimately, this causes severe damage to your parking lot.


Longitudinal: These types of asphalt cracks form parallel to the centerline of your parking lot asphalt and may result from a number of issues. Though sometimes weather related, longitudinal cracks may also result from a poor initial asphalt installation or inconsistent maintenance.


Although noticing and identifying asphalt cracks is the first step towards preparing your parking lot for fall and wintertime, make sure to contact the professionals next. With the weather changing and cooling fast, you’ll want to move fast, too!

The folks at Gopher State Sealcoat are here for all of your Twin Cities asphalt crack repair needs, from routing to filling, and will help you understand what’s best for your commercial space. Give us a call today!


Parking Lot Restoration After Another Brutal Winter in the Twin Cities, MN Area

Winter is on its way out of the Twin Cities, MN area, which means it’s finally time to recover from the past few months of snow, ice, and freezing temperatures! Although there are a lot of things to think about around an apartment building or complex this time of year, have you considered maintaining the parking lot or parking lot restoration?

Without proper preparation, asphalt parking lots can suffer a great deal during the winter months, but there are a number of ways to ensure they will be restored. Let’s take a look at how to recover from winter damage in your parking lot!

Before doing anything, take a moment to walk through the parking lot to observe what has been damaged. Are you noticing cracks or potholes? Has the paint faded? Start by taking notes and pictures before deciding how to properly fix your asphalt parking lot.
Contact Professionals:

A professional will know exactly how to tend to your asphalt parking lot, and the folks at Gopher State Sealcoat have years of experience to help with your restoration! After doing your personal walkthrough, a walk through with a professional contractor will also observe problem spots and help you to move forward!
Parking Lot Restorations:

To start out the parking lot restoration process, a contractor may begin with simple asphalt patching, so the lot is usable until the larger restoration can take place. Throughout the restoration process, contractors may advise a number of different techniques, such as crack filling or sealcoating, depending on the needs of your parking lot!

In addition to completing the parking lot restoration, a contractor will provide tools and techniques for you to use during future parking lot maintenance. As a result, rather than performing a complete lot restoration again next winter, your lot should be safe for years to come!

Ready to begin your spring parking lot maintenance in the Twin Cities, MN area? Give the professionals at Gopher State Sealcoat a call today!

Our New Site is Live!

It’s out with the old and in with the new! We’re excited to present our newly redesigned website! Not only does it look good, but it’s packed with useful information about our services and how we can help you install, repair, and maintain your commercial asphalt investment. Our site is also more user friendly, so go ahead and explore.

For more information about Gopher State Sealcoat and our services, contact us today at (952) 931-9188.  You’ll always talk to a real person.